Business owners know that market and competition changes at a furious pace. So why hasn’t the way you exit your business changed? Why are the vast majority of business brokers, M&A advisors and investment bankers still selling companies the way they did 5 or 10 years ago? If you continued to run your business the same way for that long you would likely be out of business.
At Cross Northwest we think that exiting your business exit requires and deserves a different approach. One where you can better control the outcome.
If you sold your business today do you know what it would sell for? Is your business prepared to sell? Have you prepared for your exit? Most business owners don’t know the value or if their business is prepared for sale. A traditional M&A advisor or business broker will help you clean up a few superficial things and then put your company on the marker. You will be told by the traditional M&A advisor or business broker that you will have to accept the value that the market will bear. It is true that the market will determine your company value, but you can use the market to your advantage. You have options.
Cross Northwest was formed to provide business owners solutions and options for their company exit. We help businesses owners like you build their business value and take advantage of the market so you can Exit Your Way®. We start by growing sales. Then we help to manage that growth to increase profitability while your business is being prepared for the exit. The result is an exponentially larger exit value. Every $$ earned can result in a 4-12 X return on an exit! This is Exit Your Way®